National awareness month
Age Without Apology Month
every JUNE
2024 theme: Wrinkles are Earned, they can't be bought
Willowberry declares wrinkles as the new beauty must-have

This year’s National Age Without Apology Month theme, 'Wrinkles are Earned - they can't be bought', is about changing an outdated message about lines and wrinkles. We’re declaring wrinkles as the new beauty must-have!

We want to flip the wrinkles narrative on its head. Wrinkles are a very normal sign of age on that lovely face of yours. When did it become okay to tell people that they need to get rid of wrinkles to look good?
So here at Willowberry, we want to celebrate wrinkles and the lives that have been led earning them. We want to tackle the negativity around having wrinkles. Don’t try to reverse them – you worked hard for them!
How have you earned your wrinkles?

How to join in
Help spread a new way of looking at lines and wrinkles! Share a selfie on Facebook or Instagram, showing your face - wrinkles and all, with a caption telling us how you earned your lines and wrinkles. Make sure you tag us in @willowberryskin #WrinklesAreEarned
National Age Without Apology Month
Initiated in 2022, skincare brand Willowberry holds an annual National Age Without Apology Month each June, to help change the perception of age by showcasing a positive and realistic portrayal of what getting older looks like. This is part of Willowberry's wider initiative to help change the age narrative in beauty. Against an industry obsessed with anti-ageing, Willowberry is giving grown-up a glow up.